Wednesday 20 August 2014

How to protect your company logo design copyright

Logo is something very precious to a company and its business. Without this emblem a company simply does not exist for the customers as they cannot identify its business without knowing or seeing the symbol. Therefore, you must be extra cautious in protecting your company's logo design copyright to avoid disputes which are sometimes damaging to a business.
To safeguard your business interest it is necessary that you protect your copyright over your logo. But remember that there is a difference between copyright protection and trademark protection. While both of them protect your brand identity, copyright protects and trademark defends the logo as used in the marketplace.

To protect the copyright, according to the US copyright office, the logo must have sufficient authorship. This means that commonly used symbols and logos containing texts with mere variations in fonts etc are not given copyright. The logo should have certain degree of innovativeness and creativity.

You should ensure these steps to protect copyright of your logo design
  1. Make sure that your logo is marked as copyright. This way you can avoid mistakes that other may make to copy your logo and forewarn people about consequences of copying the logo.
  2. Register your logo. Once you have registered your company's logo or any other artwork, you protect it from any infringement with the country's copyright services.
  3. Produce sufficient evidence. When you register your company's logo for copyright, product all the evidences that shows the process and steps taken for designing of the logo. Mention the author of the logo and why it is a unique work.
  4. If you run a joint venture, you should agree in advance as to who will own the logo in case one partner leaves the company.
By taking these steps you can get rid of plagiarism which is a serious threat to the creativity. Do not delay safeguarding your logo copyright and ensure these steps right away.

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